How Often Should You Get a Massage?

  Unsure of how frequently to get a massage?   There are a few ways to approach the question.   Variables including stress level, your body’s needs and your finances all come into play when selecting a frequency of massage. For someone facing an acute issue like a painful back or neck, more frequent massages […]

Why Massage?

People seek massage therapy for a wide variety of reasons, from simple relaxation to the proven health benefits massage gives. The American Massage Therapy Association found in its 2011 consumer surveys that 90 percent of surveyed consumers believe that massage reduces pain; 18 percent of surveyed adults received a massage in 2011. Of those who […]

Good Pain or Bad Pain?

Whether you’re getting a Swedish massage, a Deep Tissue massage, or almost any other kind, you should expect your massage to feel good. It should be a healing experience. And it might be a little painful.   Some massage, especially the work that gets at the deeper muscles, can be uncomfortable, sometimes even painful.  But […]